Wednesday, May 21

Regine's here!

Or what can I say now..Hello?
I'm Lola Regine Philips Ong. I'm 19 years old. I am an American-Chinese. Living in Singapore at the moment. (I typed Malaysia as my location. For fun.)
Here are some questions you may ask me :
1. Regine, so why now? Why this blog now?
Me : Oh, I'm too bored. So i guess it's my time for this kind of things. You will never imagine how bored I was after my business admin. exam the other day.
2. Would you love it when people read your blog?
Me : Oooo I'd love to! I love attention. joking!
3. Are you single?
Me : No, I'm married with two kids. Now I'm cheating behind my husband's back. I went out with a guy I met in the internet dating site. BELIEVE ME?!
The truth is I'm still single, yes. I just broke up with him. My current boyfriend. It's sad I know. The pain is still inside me...for I love him so so so much. Darling why must you leave?!
Alright, that's about Regine; me. The crazy girl who loves her crazy ex.

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